Diversified & In-Demand: South Texas EDCs Advocate for Community, Region

South Texas is a region as diverse in industry as the people who make up its population. Stretching from San Antonio to Brownsville and Corpus Christi to Del Rio, South Texas encompasses nearly 30 counties, covers roughly 37,800 square miles and is home to millions.

“The movement to South Texas is happening faster than the developers can keep up,” says Gene Lindgren, President and CEO of the Laredo Economic Development Corporation.

He notes that Laredo is catching up by developing thousands of acres in first class industrial parks. But commercial development overall is booming. In 2021, Lindgren says Laredo issued $543 million in new construction permits, $55 million of that in the commercial space.

“What is happening now is a significant jump due to the impact of global supply chain issues and companies deciding they need to be in North America as opposed to Asia,” says Lindgren. “The near-shoring dynamic already has our daily truck numbers up with some days hitting projections for 2030.” Click to read more at www.rednews.com.