Digital Advertising

REDNews NewsletterNewsletter & Website Advertising

Contact April Daniel


“More than banners, REDnews has digital marketing spots that get results!”

REDnews provides targeted advertising opportunities through a weekly newsletter and on our website that exceed 150,000+ views by Texas CRE professionals every month.

Weekly Newsletter Advertising

The REDnews Scoop Newsletter uniquely positions your message or property in-line with the stories, deals and events that are making news in Texas CRE. This unique, in-line positioning allows your message to be noticed with greater relevancy.

Newsletter Top Banner Advertisement – 728 x 90 px

Newsletter Featured Property or Interior Banner – 300 x 250 px Advertising

Website Sticky Post
Your marketing piece in-line with the regular daily news content. Stuck to the front page of REDnews for the length of your run.

Website Banner Advertisement – 728 x 90 px
A more traditional advertisement spot either placed as a banner or a text & image piece. Positioned between content and/or on the “content bars” on the right side of the page.

Click to Open the REDnews 2025 Media Kit

Email Marketing Services

EblastProvide us with a flyer or our in-house design team can create one for you, REDnews will email your flyer to our database of qualified Texas CRE professionals.

Email Blast As-Is Magazine Ad – rerun you magazine display ad

“As-Is” E-Flyer
Send us your flyer and we will e-mail it directly to your choice of industry contacts (Industrial, Office, Retail, etc.) from our database of commercial real estate professionals found on REDnews.

Custom E-Flyer
We will create and e-mail your ad to our database of Texas commercial real estate professionals.

Package Pricing:
All packages are good for up to one year from the date of purchase.

4ct E-blast  Savings $100/pkg

10ct E-blast Savings $950/pkg

20ct E-blasts Savings $2,100/pkg

40ct E-blasts Savings $4,600/pkg

Email April Daniel at or call 713.661.6300.