Raining Results

Inside the Observation and Response Center at WaterLogic’s Houston headquarters, John O’Donnell is focused on the computer screen in front of him. The company’s vice president of technology is setting up a new irrigation controller that was just installed the previous day at Sienna Plantation. Before it comes online, O’Donnell first has to program its surroundings, which are laid out in a multi-page document. “When we install the controller, we go through a station-by-station evaluation to tell us exactly what is out there. For example, we note what the slope is, whether there are flowers or turf,” O’Donnell explains. “It’s pretty in-depth.” Most of the properties where WaterLogic operates have multiple controllers, so they’re organized by program. Click to read more at www.rednews.com.


The Harlingen Aerotropolis is a 479-acre, shovel-ready site adjacent to the airport. It has been designated as a Certified Site by McCallum Sweeney Consultants, one of the world’s leading site selection and economic consulting firms. The site is a premier manufacturing destination in South Texas. The development plan for the Aerotropolis incorporates a mixed use for the property that includes manufacturing, warehouse, office, and retail purposes. Click to read more at www.rednews.com.

A Sea of Change

The appearance of road construction equipment is not typically something we celebrate, but it is a sign of progress for the city of Seabrook, which has been watching and waiting for work to start on the expansion of State Highway 146. “This project has presented a challenge for new development for the greater part of two decades,” says Paul Chavez, director of the Seabrook Economic Development Corporation. “Now we can tell people, Yes, it’s finally happening.” Click to read more at www.rednews.com.

Red River & Retail Review

Thousands of people flocked to Fort Worth in early January to make connections and assess the future of retail development at ICSC’s inaugural Red River States Conference & Deal Making. The three-day meetup signaled a change from years past when multiple similar events were held across the region. This year, ICSC brought together industry professionals from throughout Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. Click to read more at www.rednews.com.

Trailblazers Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Summit, January 18

Presented by: REDNews, Riverway Title, and AIRWAVZ

• Some enter CRE by accident and happenstance, and some with firm idea of what they want to do

• We must always work with clients who want to see us get paid, and we should not be shy to filter out time-wasters, and we should ‘fire’ clients when warranted

• Huge changes have come to our industry with time-saving technology, but it is interpersonal relationships which remain the most important to be successful in CRE

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