Coming off a year when business shifted unpredictably, opportunities for growth now abound in ways we’ve never seen before. The COVID pandemic sent shockwaves through developments that previously seemed impenetrable. Office space sat empty, with rental revenues deteriorating, as employees worked from home. Restaurants struggled to stay open with carryout orders. Retail stores remained quiet as online orders grew dramatically. But behind the scenes, other industries could barely meet demand. Rail car storage yards burst to capacity, as railroads sought out places to park unused cars. Manufacturers turned away from their longtime affair with just-in-time models, instead of looking for warehouses to store the goods that would help them ride out business fluctuations and employee downtime. Here at TexAmericas Center, we knew that we didn’t want to change our entire business model for a pandemic that might only last a year or two. But at the same time, we knew our clients needed something more. So, we tweaked our business model to best serve our clientele for 2020 and 2021. That included building warehouse spec space, adding third party logistics services and using existing spaces in unique ways. Click here to read more at