Our first panel focused on pioneers who led the way for other women in the commercial real estate industry. We were honored to hear from Lori Bryant, ARM/managing director of CBRE Property Management; Lispah Hogan, executive managing director of NKF; Patti Knudson-Joiner, managing director of Knudson LP; Sue Rogers, principal at CRESA; and Susan Hill, senior managing director at JLL, who served as moderator.
Each offered up a different recipe for their own success, but a lot of it boils down to having the right attitude. “One of my favorite sayings is ‘Onward and forward,’” said Hogan. “Don’t look at what’s behind you, keep looking onward and forward because knowledge is power and you gain wisdom and knowledge from everything that you’ve gone through.” Rogers attributes her go-get-’em attitude to growing up outside of Philadelphia. “It made me want to compete with men in the industry and I think you kind of have to have that desire and fight to kind of go after it,” she stressed. “You need that resolve to keep going after it, even when all the odds are against you.” Click to read more at www.rednews.com.
Women In Real Estate: CRE Pros