Texas Ranked #1 Business Climate in the Nation

Business Facilities didn’t let the COVID-19 crisis skew the results in our annual rankings report. Our rankings remain the most credible and comprehensive location leaderboards. The process of evaluating the information we use to calculate our annual rankings usually begins in the spring. In the spring of 2020, as the unfolding calamity of the coronavirus pandemic turned all of our lives upside down, we had to decide what, if any, impact the disruptions of COVID-19 would have on the results in our 16th Annual Rankings Report. We always try to configure our rankings as forward indicators that give you a clear picture not just of which locations are atop our leaderboard, but also who’s got the Big Mo—the assets, strategies and track record that spell growth potential. In our 16th annual rankings, we’ve acknowledged the unique circumstances of what we all hope is a temporary disruption. We’ve dropped our overall state and metro Economic Growth Potential rankings for this year’s report; we won’t speculate on which regional economies are going to recover the fastest from this unprecedented crisis. We also reset our rankings data clock, setting it early enough to make sure that the wind-shear level turbulence the pandemic has inflicted on economies, markets and employment statistics did not skew our results. You might say we’ve quarantined COVID-19 and locked it out of our Rankings Report. Click to read more at www.businessfacilities.com.