Across American Cities, Evictions Are Down

When Disney World shut down on March 15, Adrien Love realized he was in trouble. Many of the tenants living in his Orlando-area rental properties are waitresses and hairdressers, people whose livelihood flows from entertainment and tourism. With the House of Mouse closed for business, keeping up with collections was going to be a problem. In April, Love says most of his tenants couldn’t get unemployment benefits because the state website kept crashing. Several came to him then to say they needed to make an arrangement. Love says that he is sympathetic to their predicament — he is a former bartender himself — so he obliged. But spotty communication with a few renters made him nervous. Rent collections at the 13 single-family homes that Love owns were down 30% over the course of the pandemic before he was forced to sell one. Under federal and state rent protections, Love could have filed an eviction at any point, though he would have to wait for it to be processed under a Florida moratorium. So far, he hasn’t taken that step. He’s surprised that the owners of other properties he manages haven’t either. Given the scope of the crisis, he expected to see more evictions by now. Click to read more at