In times of trouble, parents often turn to the reassuring advice of Fred Rogers: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” We are certainly in times of trouble, and we don’t have to look far to find the helpers. Within our own neighborhoods, there are individuals who have stepped up to assist. In particular, several individuals are mobilizing to help those who are themselves “helpers”: the frontline workers combatting coronavirus in their jobs every day. In the Memorial area, for instance, The Houstonian Hotel offered free barbeque to-go to first responders at an event this week. Throughout the day, Houston Police and Fire Department personnel drove through the hotel’s entrance while hotel staff placed the barbecue meals in their vehicles. “Like most Houstonians, we wake up every morning and ask ourselves what we can do,” Hotel General Manager Steve Fronterhouse said in a statement. “We respect these men and women and know it’s a small gesture, but it is certainly something that’s heartfelt for us.” In Bellaire, resident Samir Mehta enlisted his friends Jennifer Cross and Kristi Coffey to organize a sustained effort to bring lunch and dinner to frontline healthcare workers at several local hospitals. It all started with just one meal. Click here to read more at