What the Redevelopment of Downtown’s Last Vacant Building Means for Downtown

By the end of 2020, Downtown Dallas will no longer have a single major vacant building. Kourtny Garrett, Downtown Dallas Inc. In the late 1990s, when attention of the public and private sectors turned back to Downtown with a loud call for revitalization, predicated on the fact that the city as a whole would not prosper without a strong core, our vacant building count was 42. Hundreds of boarded up storefronts and dozens of quickly deteriorating historic structures lined the streets, losing bits of our history with each failing brick. Fast forward through two decades of redevelopment—catalyzed by public-private partnerships, the introduction of urban dwellers, the return of business, and evolution of a ‘livable’ Downtown with parks, restaurants, arts, and amenities—and our last albatross has turned. The First National Bank Tower will be lit and lively again by the end of next year. Click to read more at www.dmagazine.com.